
Genre: Stealth
Engine: Unity
Plateforme: PC
Missions: Game Design - Level Design

Eclipse is a rather punishing stealth game, in which the game is over as soon as the player is spotted.

We play Erebos, a creature made of darkness seeking to escape from a large complex in which it is held prisoner.
To do this, it must use its main asset: its mastery of shadows.

Erebos is able to absorb the shadows it encounters, spitting them out wherever it wishes.

For example, it can shoot it in front of him to create its own passageways. Indeed, Erebos is faster and more discreet when it moves in the shadows.

Erebos can also absorb the shadow that makes up an enemy's life zone, where it risks being spotted if it makes too much noise. Be careful, absorbing this shadow will increase the size of the targeted enemy's cone of view.

On the contrary, Erebos can inject shadows into opponents. In this way, their cone of view is progressively reduced until they are blinded, but their area of life increases proportionally.

This means constantly assessing risks, while keeping an eye on the amount of shade still available.