Astreia's Gift

Genre: Adventure - Puzzle
Engine: Unreal Engine 4
Plateforme: Nintendo Switch
Missions: Game Design - Level Design - Narrative Design

Astreia's Gift is a puzzle game made on Nintendo Switch with a team of 15 people, as part of our end-of-study project at Isart Digital Paris.

Astreia is a creature of light, sent by the world of the Sun to investigate its twin planet, the world of the Moon, which has been mysteriously deserted.

To do this, the player can open spherical portals leading to the other world, where he or she will have access to new objects, to get through various puzzles in an abandoned city, where the buildings seem to be alive.

To solve the puzzles, Astreia must bring the gigantic Observatory building back to life. To do this, she must channel the Sun's energy into lanterns before returning them to the Observatory. To do this, simply place the lanterns in a portal leading to the other world, which will light them up directly.

As each puzzle is completed, the living city springs into action to unlock the passage to the next part of the adventure.

Most of the work on this project was devoted to level design. We wanted to offer relatively simple puzzles, and focus on the visual pleasure of opening portals or seeing the city come to life.

We also did a lot of environmental storytelling: without dialogue, it was important to get the story across. The differences in architecture and colors between the two worlds also served this purpose.