Steam Pilots

Genre: Arcade
Engine: Unity
Plateforme: PC
Missions: Game Design - Programming - UX Design - Balancing

Steam Pilots is an asymmetrical cooperative arcade game using Makey Makey technology, which allowed us to build our own controller.

For this project, we decided to build two different control panels. The two players are co-pilots of an aircraft, and must traverse different levels while keeping their vehicle in top condition.

To win the game, players must complete a sequence of instructions in a short space of time, while monitoring the general state of the ship. 
For example, while one player is reloading the cannon's ammunition, the other can monitor the aircraft's overheating status.

Each player has his own actions on his controller, but some are also common and must be performed at the same time
This is particularly true of synchronization, an instruction sometimes requested by the game which requires both players to place their hand at the same time in the center of their control panel.

The goal was to create a nervous game based on communication with your teammate. The more the game progresses, the faster the instructions become. This makes it harder and harder, but more and more fun, to manage joint actions.

One of the main challenges is to manage the controller's battery, regularly passing around a heavy grey box so that the two control panels never run out of power.

On this project, I was involved in the design of every mechanic, every interaction the player could make. The most complex part was making sure that our ideas could be implemented on a Makey Makey controller, and that they were fun to play physically.

Next, I was involved in the menu UX, which was more complex than usual due to our unusual controls, as well as the level design. Last but not least, I was the only programmer in the group, making the game entirely in C#.